Community Transportation Services Include:

NetPlus Transporation

1 (844) 353-6779
NetPlus Transportation is ADA accessible non-emergency transportation to medical, dental, vision, pharmacy, mental health and addiction treatment appointments/services. Transportation is not provided to free services such as health fairs, support groups, meetings with social service organizations, informational sessions, etc. Transportation cannot be provided at this time to the grocery store or other shopping, trips to the laundry, or to employment or schooling.

Where does Wood County NET Plus transport?

Transportation is provided to locations in Wood, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca counties. This area is referred to as “the community”. Appointments outside of this area are referred to as “out-of-community” and require special approval and may not be covered by the funding source unless allowable.

Is there any limit to the number of trips and what is the cost?

There is no limit to the number of trips provided and there is no cost to the individual; however, consideration may be made concerning the time of appointments and ability of the transportation provider to provide services to multiple appointments within the same day.

How do I qualify?

You must call the hotline at least 5 business days before the scheduled appointment. You will be screened for eligibility for one of the Wood County NET Plus funding sources. It is recommended to call early to allow time for screening and scheduling. There is no income or asset limit. You must have a need for transportation to the allowable services and cannot access any other free transportation available through other programs or services. You may be referred to any other free programs, if you qualify for that service. Individuals who qualify for transportation services provided to them as long-term care facility residents or provided or arranged for them by a hospice will not qualify.

What information do I need when I call?

Your name, Social Security number, Medicaid number (if receiving Medicaid), your home address, phone number, amount of gross monthly household income, type of appointment and appointment information: time and date of appointment, the name of the doctor, clinic or hospital and the address of the provider.

Are there any reasonable accommodations?

The services provided are curb-to-curb and are not considered ambulance or ambulette services. Accommodations may include the use of a mobility-related assistive device and/or the use of a personal assistant and/or service animal. Personal attendants may accompany each eligible individual who may require assistance during non-emergency transport and are chosen by the individual. A personal attendant will be transported with the individual at no cost to the individual and at no additional cost from the contracted vendor to the agency. Reasonable accommodations for requests may be made for any person who is disabled or does not have phone access. Exceptions to the time frame may include non-emergency appointments for illness or necessary follow-up appointments scheduled by the provider. These requests will be met based upon availability of the transportation providers.