Board Members

The Wood County ADAMHS Board is comprised of 12 individuals from Wood County. Members are appointed by the Wood County Commissioners and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

Ohio statutes specify that the board will include, among others, a psychiatrist, a mental health professional, a person receiving (or having had previously received) services paid for by the public funds, a professional in the field of alcohol or drug abuse services and an advocate for people receiving treatment for alcohol or drug addiction.

The Wood County ADAMHS Board is seeking board members with an interest in volunteering to serve their community and those with behavioral health disorders.  

 We are accepting all applications but have specific needs for:  

  1. person in mental health recovery 
  2. person in Substance Use Disorder recovery 
  3. immediate family member of someone with a mental illness 
  4. immediate family members of someone with substance use disorders 
  5. a behavioral health professional (cannot work for a provider who contracts with the Board) 

 To be considered, applicants must be a Wood County resident and should complete the application and submit to

OhioMHAS Appointment Application

Frank McLaughlinChairpersonCommissioners2nd Full: 7/23-6/27
Karen BaronVice ChairpersonCommissioners1st Full: 7/21-6/25
Matthew BattiatoTreasurerCommissioners1st Full: 7/21-6/25
Leslie MillerSecretaryOhio MHAS2nd Full: 7/23-6/27
Scott KleiberCommissioners1st Full: 7/21-6/25
Erica ParishCommissioners1st Full: 7/22-6/26
Dan LambertCommissioners2nd Full: 7/22-6/26
Brandy LauxOhio MHAS1st Full: 7/22-6/26
Katina BosticOhio MHAS1st Full: 7/23-6/27
Dr. Carol MowenOhio MHAS1st Full: 7/23-6/27