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Our Mission

The Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board advocates, plans, develops, funds, manages, and evaluates community-based mental health and addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Wood County.

Board Member Openings

The Wood County ADAMHS Board is seeking board members with an interest in volunteering to serve their community and those with behavioral health disorders.  

 We are accepting all applications, but have specific needs for:  

  1. Person in mental health recovery 
  2. Person in Substance Use Disorder recovery 
  3. Immediate family member of someone with a mental illness 
  4. Immediate family members of someone with substance use disorders 
  5. Behavioral health professional (cannot work for a provider who contracts with the Board) 

 To be considered, applicants must be a Wood County resident and should EITHER:

Wood County Commissioner Appointment (2 vacancies)

OhioMHAS Appointment (0 vacancies)